Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day Two - Committed

Tuesdays and Thursdays are my workouts with Brent. They are tough! We do about an hour of circuit training, with all kinds of fun stuff you would never ever do unless someone was standing over you making you. Today was an extra tough one, he turned up the intensity level a notch. There was some swearing, some crying out for Jesus to save me, and lots of sweat. I made it through, just like I always do. I decided today that I am committed to this. I mean, of course I am, I agreed to this whole deal. But Im really committed, through thick and thin. I will show up every single day, and I will get my sweat on every single day. No matter what.
Now, Im sure the day will come when I will look at your crazy if you need to remind me of this post, but I will show up. I commit to you, I commit to me, I commit to Brent. 
I will show up.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you will be reminded!!!

    You are going to be showing Brent a thing or two in time!! :)
