Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day Six - Not today

Welcome to the weekend! Weekends can be really tough, we lose the structure that the weekdays provide us. We have time on our hands to think about food more, or we have no time that can force us into bad choices. Last Saturday I was in a bad place. It was gloomy outside, and my outlook was gloomy. I slept most of the day, felt angry that the scale wasn't dropping it like its hot, and I made some pretty bad food choices as a result. What a difference a week makes! I had a great day today! I was kinda freaked out all week that I wasn't going to make my weekly weight loss goal, things didn't seem to be moving even though I was following my plan to the T. But losing the weight yesterday, and receiving all the excitement from Brent really turned my outlook around. We had a high five moment where he said "Who loses a pound a day?" And we both shouted "I do!" I keep reliving that moment over and over in my head. This IS going to happen! I might not lose 5lbs every single week, but all I need to do is keep moving my body, and fueling it right, and things will happen.

I woke up with a headache this morning, feeling like I really wanted to go back to bed. Since I started exercising Monday - Friday a few weeks ago, I usually end up sleeping all Saturday just to recover. But not today. I dragged my butt to Jazzercise. I only stayed for the cardio portion and skipped the strength training, but I went. And I will go again tomorrow, I plan to stay the whole time. I also dug my heart rate monitor out of its three year hibernation. I want to track my exercise with accuracy. It was a little sad to see the last time I used it my weight was 304, but that's ok. Ill be there soon.

To track my 85 lb summer goal I put 85 post-its on my wall, next to my bed. A nice visual reminder, and its fun to take the post-its down when I lose the pounds! Here is what it looks like, with 80-85 already down of course!


  1. love seeing the missing numbers!!! it is a lot harder to stay busy on the weekends. Just gotta have a plan of action! :)

  2. What a wonderfuly feeling!! I love the post its! Hope you don't mind if I steal that idea!!

  3. It is a brilliant idea! I <3 it xx
